10 ingredients you should avoid for 

Fast gain weight


Eggs when eaten in the right amount results in immense weight loss. So, people who want to gain weight must avoid eating eggs. Although eggs result in increasing cholesterol levels, eating them. In adequate amounts results in weight loss.


Nuts are the most prominent ingredients that help in losing weight. Consumption of nuts between meals; will greatly contribute to losing weight. So, people who want to put on somebody weight must avoid eating nuts.


Beans specifically kidney beans result in good weight loss. So, people who want to gain weight must avoid eating beans. It is an old saying. That eating bean vegetables meet hunger and provides enough energy for daily work.


Apples have a delicious taste and are also very healthy to eat. But, when it comes to weight gain apples do not fulfill the required criteria. Eating only one apple every day results in great weight loss.


Drumsticks come under the criteria of green vegetables. And as everyone knows leafy veggies are prominent in promoting the loss of weight in our body. Drumsticks have rich fiber content and calorie content is very less based.


Oatmeal comes under the category of grains. They are much more effective in the loss of body weight. They are diet-based foods that are healthy for losing weight. Consuming oats in breakfast fulfill the vitality of the whole day.


Paneer comes under the category of dairy products. It is the food which is often recommended by doctors for energy boost up of the body. Paneer is concerned with losing body fat. Panner is a kind of diet-based food that is great for the immense

Green tea

Green tea is drunk daily by several people who are health conscious.  It is a perfectly suited drink for a flat belly. It has great content of phytochemicals. Also serves as an important drink for good metabolic activities in the body.


Brew also known as coffee comes under the espresso category. The brew is often suggest for fat burning of the body. Consuming only one cup of coffee per day results in immense weight loss.

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