Light healthy Foods Below 100 Calories


Apple is high in potassium which has been required by our body in our daily food list, that we get with the help of a single fruit. It is high in fiber which strongs your muscular tissue


It has a very less calorific value of 30 per 100 grams of watermelon, so it is a good choice to reduce your weight and maintain your blood pressure.


If you are searching for natural food that is less in calories, high in folate to give a good amount of red blood cells, along with vitamin C to reduce oxidative stress


After tomato, the most common edible available in our kitchen is milk. You can even have milk as tea, coffee, even as energy drinks, but if you intend to reduce weight having mil


Carrots have high and more nutritional values. If you have diabetes, carrot is the best source for you as it lowers the risk factors for diabetes.


100 grams of spinach is containing a calorific value of 23. It is suggest to have a limited amount of spinach per day, though it didn’t have any side effects, it may form a gas in your body.

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