Vitamin B5 Foods.

veg recipes with vaishali

Organ meats are the best to gain lots of protein and vitamins, which we have already explored in previous articles as well.

Organ meats

This is one of the common meat named for proteins and vitamin B. Beef helps bodybuilders to gain more energy and it is the best suggestion for people exercising in the gym


If you want to taste seafood with more amount of Vitamin B5, Salmon is the best choice. As it contains 1.92mg of B5-Vitamin per 100grams.


This is the third most famous mushroom in the world, where people love to have this mushroom. It is mostly available in Super-Markets, as mushrooms have a common phenomenon.


Sweet potato owns a name called “Super Food”, because of its numerous Nutrient values. It has 400% of Vitamin A.

Sweet potato

Sweet potato owns a name called “Super Food”, because of its numerous Nutrient values. It has 400% of Vitamin A, which is good for your eyes prevents Night blindness as well


When we come to the fruit section avocado is the best fruit having rich content of B5 vitamin. it is unique fruit where it contains high fats instead of carbohydrates 


The other common fruits that have to be suggest were guava, kiwi, and dates which we have on our daily food table, or at least we have it occasionally.


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