Herbs are an important part of any kind of food. They not only serve a decorative purpose but also, provide essential minerals in the body. One must buy herbs in large quantities from the market to use them for the whole week.
By doing so one could preserve eggs in the fridge for 3-4 days. And then at the time when one wishes to eat eggs. We can eat them in a very easy manner by just peeling off their outer cover and enjoying eating them.
It will effectively cool the soda. This basic cooking hacks will not only save your time but, also help with the stress of storing large bottles of soda in the fridge. So, follow this hack for quick cooling of soda or any other drinks!
Now, chocolate will be spread and stuck to the balloon in semi-circular form. Then wait for it to get cool. When it gets cooled burst the balloon in the semi-circular-shaped chocolate. Finally, the chocolaty edible bowls for the dessert are ready.
If tofu is put directly on the grill, it results in the breaking of tofu. But, if you place tofu over the lemons and then grill them; it becomes easier to grill without breakage. Also, lemons will result in a good taste of tofus.
When you wish to enjoy the fresh taste of herbs, keep them in the fridge with vegetable oil over it and next freeze them. Now, when next time you will cook something. Put those frozen solids over them and enjoy their delicious taste.
Don’t waste a Sunday laying in the bed. Make edible foods. like baked items, tofus, vegetables, and several other items. and store them up in plastic containers. Now during the weekdays just use them up
To enjoy healthy ice cream; freeze the bananas. For this, first, freeze the bananas then mix them up to make a good ice cream base. This can be done also, by mixing them with other fruits. T
While making any food of tart taste use this hack. First, we have to peel tamarind and then soak them in warm water. Put this tamarind that has been soaked in a container. Then store them in the fridge for about 7 days.