Lentils are the best on the list. It is a plant-based source that produces more phenols that protects you from diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart disease.
If you are not used to taking lentils, then you have a great blessing. That is easily available at markets and can be afforded by everyone
It contains a quite good amount of thiamine along with Vitamins like A, C, K, Folate, Manganese, Phosphorous, and Carbs.
It is richer in thiamine that is required for a range of bodily functions than other red meats like beef and lamb.
This is one of the best breakfasts along with a glass of milk and wheat stuffed bread. The fortified cereals once it has been mixed up with milk.
This is the quickest snack or breakfast that gives you instant energy as soon as possible. White Bread adds with milk is the best combination