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“Cooking is about creating something delicious for someone”. Cooking is the art of making a perfect combination of vegetables, spices, etc. For some people cooking is as interesting as playing a game. They just know how to play with spices, vegetables, pulses, and other ingredients. But as it is a human tendency to make mistakes, there are some mistakes which you might often make while cooking.
list of mistakes you should not make while cooking food:
Cooking On High Flame

This is a common mistake you should not make while cooking everyone makes, mostly housewives who are always in a hurry. They frequently cook on high flame to cook fast, but you know what it will cook fast. But it takes away the taste because slow cooking is tasty cooking. Whenever you cook slowly on a low flame all the ingredients are properly cooked. it also gives more taste to your dishes. In our busy schedules, we typically want dishes to cook fast but trust me to try slow cooking. You will find it amazing.
Not Collecting All Ingredients Before Cooking

When we get a little experience in cooking we become overconfident. That we will take ingredients while cooking. But sometimes it goes wrong while you are collecting ingredients. The ingredient on the stove burns, or sometimes it is overcooked. The easiest and most favorable way of cooking is to have everything in place before you start. Collect all the spices in the small bowls according to requirement, cut vegetables and wash the rice before only. So when you start cooking, you will not have to worry. Because you have already collected the ingredients.
Wearing Silk Clothes In Kitchen

Silk clothes catch fire easily. It is a kind of safety measure we all should follow while cooking. We hear about burn cases, but rarely do we care about what we are wearing. But it should be the first step to think about what we are wearing before heading into the kitchen. Because our safety is a must. Not only silk clothes but netted clothes or sleeves. Most of the ladies wear Kurtis with frill sleeves which can also catch fire.
Not Knowing the Full recipe

Whenever you are trying to cook something new. You are always so excited. If you didn’t read the complete recipe and instructions, just start cooking. Then midway you realize you are not able to understand something or going the wrong way. Sometimes you miss some ingredients. While reading a recipe in hurry, can spoil the taste. But, you can correct this mistake only by reading the recipe before starting to prepare it then mistakes you should not make while cooking. Even better, read it two or three times and shortly visualize the different steps to follow. That way, you’ll be ready for whatever recipe comes your way.
Being Distracted

In today’s modern era people think they are multi-talented they try to do 2-3 works together. While cooking, they will cook, listen to music, talk on the phone, etc. Also, don’t pay full attention to cooking. Due to this, they forget to put off the gas stove or sometimes didn’t realize the leakage of gas. And all this results in severe accidents. That’s why always remember when you are doing work. You should always be focused on it, you should not put your life or other lives in danger.
Under Salting The Water

When you put the pasta into boiling water, the pasta absorbs some part of the water as it cooks. If you don’t put salt into the water, the food remains bland. But if you add it, it will absorb salt from within, which is a sure-fire way to achieve pasta greatness. If you’re wondering how much salt you should add it varies according to the quantity. But yes water should become salty enough. Because most of the salt evaporates only some part will be absorbed by the pasta. And after that when you make pasta it will be so delicious.
You Overcrowd The Pan

Whenever you are in hurry, and you have to cook food in large quantities. You overcrowd the pan, due to which vegetables are not cooked properly. it also requires a large amount of oil. if you want to fry something, it will also not give that brown, crispy texture to the material. which is needed for the taste. To avoid overcrowding the pan, put a little amount of the material. So, that it cooks completely, and you don’t have to eat half-baked food.
Cooking Or Storing In Reactive Utensils

Metal like aluminum is often used in making kitchen utensils. because it is a good conductor of heat but is not good for food. Ingredients like tomato, lemon, and vinegar. which contain acid can react with these utensils. Aluminum heats up fast and can react with these utensils. This can destroy the color and the taste of your food and can also make food toxic which is not good for your health. So avoid the use of these utensils, in place you can use utensils made from stainless steel that mistakes you should not make while cooking.
Over Mixing The Batter

When you are making a cake. You surely want the batter to be even throughout, so you go on mixing a lot to avoid lumps. But due to this mixing gluten can be formed into the batter making it tough. This means your cake will be unpleasantly chewy and gummy. To avoid over mixing, just slowly and smoothly mix the batter. Until the ingredients are invisible, and then use them.
Not Properly Preheating The Cooking Surface Before Cooking

Whenever you’re in a hurry, and you have to wait till the oven or grill gets heated. It seems like someone is giving you punishment. But it is important. Roasting or baking in an oven. That has not been properly preheated takes more cooking time or may cause your food to cook unevenly or even burn. Same with the grill. Adding food to an improperly heated grill will cause sticking or even burning. So whenever you cook let the surface heat up properly then put something on it.