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In this article, let us explore how to cook wheat folka roti. It contains less oil and cholesterol, which is the best food consume by lots of people in India. It is an instant food. That can be cook very easily within 5-10 minutes, so it can even be cook and consumed in a hurry burry situation. Roti is made up of wheat, which has many macro and micronutrients in it.
Wheat is rich in carbohydrates. Which produces more energy to the body. Which helps to long last for more time. It even suppresses the hunger level of the body.
It makes you feel full as well by boosting up the satiety hormones. Carbohydrates are one of the most important macronutrients require by our body every day.
To maintain the stability of the body, so having roti during breakfast is great to go. Roti is a good source of protein, which helps to build the cells and tissues of the body. It is made up of amino acids, which are the most need enzyme in our body. It is also a macronutrient that helps to regain more health. Having Roti when you feel sick or met with an accident, helps to regain health as soon as possible.
Roti doesn’t contain any fat in it. Which is responsible for cholesterol. That is the reason it helps to improve the weight loss of the body and lowers the cholesterol level as well. Which helps to protect the heart from heart strokes and some cardiovascular disease as well. It helps to maintain the blood flow of the body. By maintaining the blood pressure, and it lowers the blood sugar level as well.
Which makes the best food for type-2 diabetes patients. Roti is high in calcium, iron, manganese, and magnesium. Which helps to give more strength to bones and teeth, absorbs the vitamins in our body.
Manufacture red blood cells that generate oxygen throughout the body. It is rich in dietary fiber. Which helps to boost up the digestion rate faster as it is good for the liver and kidney as well. It even helps to prevent cancer factors and cardiovascular diseases as well. Roti is an all-rounder that suits breakfast, lunch, and dinner. During breakfast, it helps to break down all the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into energy.
That long lasts for more time. It has vitamins B1 and B2 known and thiamine and riboflavin. Which helps to break down the starch and glucose into energy. During lunch, it makes our brain active by giving faster digestion to the body and results in more performance to the body. At night times, it gives a great sleep due to the presence of calcium, dietary fiber, etc.
I hope in this article, you were well known how to cook roti. The necessary ingredients, and its nutrient benefits. Roti doesn’t give any side effects.
Where even kids can have roti in their daily routine. Which helps to build a good muscle mass to the body, even bodybuilders love to have roti after their workouts. Eat roti as soon as it is cooked, or otherwise, you may lose the taste and in some serious cases. it will cause stomach troubles as well. Have roti when you like and even have it every day to build great strength.
How to make Wheat Folka Roti | Soft Phulka Recipe | Puffy Roti | Wheat Phulka Roti recipe steps by steps with photos:
1. In an empty cup, add 2 cups of wheat flour.
2. Add 1 1/2 cups of water. Knead it well in your own hands and rest it for 15 minutes.
3. Add 1 tablespoon of oil and knead it again.
4. Take some dough and roll it in the flour, roll it nicely till it becomes as thin as possible.
5. In a hot pan, cook the roti slightly on one side and also cook slightly on the other side.
6. Put it on the stove where the cooking gets finished.
7. In other ways, you can cook it on one side.
8. Also cook the other side as well.
9. Make sure you were cooking in a low flame, and press the roti with the cloth if you need it thin.
10. Ready to serve with sabji.