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Just Imagine our busy days during the summer season. we are running in our fieldwork or working in the Air-conditioner in a four-wall closed room. Both situations create more heat in our bodies. Without caring that we work, we reach our home, the next day continues and the routine follows.
We all face this sort of situation most of the time and to escape from that, we will take a break either a small or a long one. Long breaks in the sense of traveling to a place to chill out, riding a bike, vacations with our family and friends.
But, that doesn’t work all the time since this happens once or twice a year. While coming to short breaks we may go for a movie or to our friend’s home, but that too is an occasional one.
So, most of the time we take shortest breaks, well to say food breaks I can say. Coffee break, snack breaks, lunch break, and so on.
What about taking a different food break to chill our mood and body as well. Sounds great right!!, Then let’s have a “Watermelon Sorbet Break”. You may ask why watermelon sorbet break?
It doesn’t contain any pure ingredients. It is the purest form of natural dessert, which cools your body and mood. It is good for your heart, prevents you from cancer, is high in potassium, has less fat, and has cholesterol.
It even helps to reduce your weight and to the top, it gains a delicious taste. It is very easy to make and requires only 4-5 ingredients.
But all you need is a lot of patience to do this since it buys some time to do it, at last, it is worth the time. Even if you run in the field or if you worked under an air conditioner for 8 hours in a steady place, this one will give you a good boost of energy and provide you with a lot of nutritional benefits, too.
It can eat even by kids and adults. Where kids tend to fall for this one because it is none other than the simplest form of ice cream. You can have it as a snack especially during summer times at home and even it is cost-efficient as well.
So, without any delay let’s learn how to make simple and tasty watermelon sorbet. take out your pen and paper for a short note and let’s start it up.
Watermelon Sorbet Recipe Video:
How to make Watermelon Sorbet Recipe | Quickest Watermelon Sorbet with step by step photos:
1. Cut the watermelon into small pieces. Make sure whether the watermelon is feeling heavy corresponding to its weight, that one is considered as a well ripen watermelon.

2. And to have more clarity about the watermelon, check the bottom of the watermelon where it has lighting yellow color in the yellow spots, where that has been grounded when they grow. Once you tap the watermelon if you hear a hollow and deep sound it is a nice ripened one.
After confirming that, cut it out into pieces, and put it in a zip lock so that it tights the air well.

3. Make it freeze for 6-8 hours. After that take it out and place it in a mixer to blend it. Grind it well, it possesses a semi-solid state.

4. Grind it.

5. After that, add 1/4 cup of condensed milk into the mixer and blend it well, till it forms a paste form.

6. Once done place that pastes in a zip lock or an airtight container and freezes for 4-5 hours in a freezer

7. Take out and store in air tight container. Also freeze them for 4-5 hours in the freezer.

8. Once it is done, take it outside and make a scoop in glasses

9. Add some whipped ice cream over the cream.

10. Add chocolate ball on the whipped cream. This is optional, you can serve it with anything.