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White Sauce Cheese Pasta is one of the most delectable and basic pasta to make and craze up the Menu.
As the name recommends, The Pasta is made with white sauce and veggies.
You can essentially prepare the pasta with the home-created white sauce, or you can add some flavorful veggie kinds of stuff to make it bright and stunning.
You can have a light supper or have a nibble in the evening.
If you have an inquiry at the top of the priority list. About which pasta to buy for making this formula, then, at that point, I would propose Whole wheat pasta. As we probably are aware, wheat is gainful for our wellbeing as it is brimming with fiber. Which helps in absorption and helps in diabetic issues.
The sauce can be ready by you at home simply by fundamental fixings like milk. Generally useful flour and margarine. Trust me, I figured out how to make this inside certain prior minutes setting up the pasta with the veggies, and it tasted amazing.
You simply need the spread to get dissolved in the pan that will be on medium hotness. Add to everything reason flour and milk and mix the blend, until it scopes as you would prefer. Add some salt to it, alongside pepper, for a hot taste.
Assuming that you add veggies to the Pasta. Your visitors or your family for whom you need to make this. Also, you require them to get the taste actually like any Restaurant, will be only a hit.
Use Cauliflower, pepper, capsicum, and my beloved fixing is child corn!
This formula that I will recommend is taken from the Italians. Yet I am changing it to fit the taste buds of us, the Indians.
Adding the fundamental fixings and veggies will have a lot of nourishment mixture for everybody. White Sauce Cheese Pasta requires around 15 minutes for readiness. Simply set up the sauce, cook the veggies, heat the pasta, mix and blend every one of the parts
White Sauce Cheese Pasta Video Recipe :
How to make White Sauce Cheese Pasta | Creamy White Sauce Pasta recipe with step by step photos:
1. Take a pan and add water, salt and oil.

2. Add 1 cup pasta and boil it. After cooked pasta done, remove the water and keep aside.

3. Take a pan and add 1 ½ tbsp. butter. Then Add 1 tbsp. Maida. Roast it on low flame.

4. Add 1 ½ cup milk. Make lump free texture. Add salt as per taste.

5. Add grated 2 cube cheese or 4 -5 slices of cheese in the pan. Melt them completely. White sauce is ready.

6. Take a pan and add 1 tbsp. butter.

7. Add 1/3 cup sliced onions, ½ cup chopped capsicum, ¼ cup chopped cauli flower. Sauté well.

8. Add ¼ cup chopped tomatoes, ¼ cup boiled corn.

9. Add salt as per taste, and 1 tbsp. black paper powder. Mix it well.

10. Add white sauce. Mix well together.

11. Add boiled pasta. Mix it with sauce.

12. Serve it hot and sprinkle some oregano and paprika.