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Here you get the list of Benefits Of Mushrooms and types of mushrooms which are found in India. Let’s go for exploring it.
Mushroom is also called toadstool, in Hindi, it is called ‘Kukurmuta’. These words are so old that they have not been accurately described anywhere. When did these words start coming into use, and who started using them? It is said that these words came into vogue in the 15th century and the 16th century. The word mushroom is derived from the French word Mausseron. The term ‘toadstool’ was first used in England in the 14th century.
Many people think mushrooms are formed by fungi and mushrooms have reproductive structures. Many people think that a mushroom is a plant, but a mushroom is neither a plant nor a fruit. Because the plant carries chlorophyll. And fruits are made from plants and chlorophyll is used to transfer the energy of sunlight into carbohydrates. Mushrooms do not contain chlorophyll. So mushrooms cannot transfer sunlight into carbohydrates. So they get their carbohydrates from plants.
Mushrooms originated on Earth 715 to 810 million years ago. it has been revealed in the research, this research was done at the Libre de Bruxelles University and the researcher of this research was Steve Bonneville. Advanced Scientific Research also said that mushrooms Played an important role in the initial process of plant formation.
More than 2000 species of mushrooms have been identify worldwide. There are countless fungi on earth, some poisonous and some even used to make food and medicine. But till now scientists have not even been able to know how many species of mushrooms are there in the world. Now we will discuss how many species of mushrooms are find in India. What are their disadvantages and Benefits Of Mushrooms? Which mushroom is use in medicine and food?
Types of Mushrooms:
1) Milky Mushroom

The color of these mushrooms is bright white. The requirement of this mushroom is less but its yield is good, but people of West Bengal like to eat this mushroom. This is one of the best breeds of mushrooms. This milky mushroom is cultivate in Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, etc. This mushroom is call Calocybe indica in the botanical language. Also called summer mushroom. The color of these mushrooms is bright white. The requirement of this mushroom is less but its yield is good.
2) Portabella Mushroom

This mushroom is native to North American grasslands and Europe. The portable mushroom is botanically known as Agaricus. Vitamin D is abundant inside this mushroom. If you eat half a bowl of this mushroom, then the vitamin D requirement of the whole day is fulfill. This mushroom is the most commonly eat mushroom in the world. These mushrooms are very attractive because of their taste and size. These mushrooms can be eat both raw and cook and are good in nutrition.
3) Straw Mushroom

This fungus is known by many names such as Volvariella volvacea in botanical language, paddy straw mushroom another name, and also call Chinese mushroom. Many properties are find inside this one, it is cold, so its consumption is more beneficial in summer. This mushroom has many such properties as aroma, taste, fiber, nutrition, protein, vitamin B and Vitamin C, folic acid. Button and Straw Mushrooms cannot be compare. Because they are full of nutrition and everyone knows very well about them. This fungus was first cultivated in India in 1940. It is mostly cultivate in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, etc.
4) Shiitake Mushroom

The botanical name of this mushroom is lenticular edodes. This mushroom is gaining popularity due to its medical properties. It is cultivate in many states of India and in Himachal Pradesh. The taste of this mushroom increases when it is cook and eaten. This mushroom is basically from Japan and shiitake means ‘oak fungus’ in Japanese.
5) Oyster Mushrooms

Oyster mushroom is botanically known as Pleurotus ostratus and in Hindi. It is also known as Dhingri. Oyster Mushroom Looks Exactly Like Its Name. This mushroom is dusty and fan-shaped. Oyster mushroom is cultivate in many Indian states, e.g. Maharashtra, West Bengal, Karnataka, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, etc. This species grows in tropical and temperate regions.
6) Cremini Mushroom

Cremini is say to be the brother of the button mushroom. These mushrooms are delicious and the color of this mushroom cap is like coffee. These mushrooms also have the lovely nickname ‘Baby Bellas’. It is also call Agaricus bisporus in botanical language. The structure of the mushroom is stronger than that of a button mushroom. The size and shape of this mushroom are very similar to the white mushroom.
7) Button Mushroom

Button mushrooms are famous in India. Button mushrooms are easily available in the Indian market. You can also order it online from an online sales platform. The botanical name of the button mushroom is Agaricus bisporus. People eat it both raw and cooked and people also eat it by mixing it. In many food items, such as pizza, burger, soup, salad, etc. Button mushrooms are white and have a mild creamy taste.
Benefits Of Mushrooms:
- Mushrooms have many benefits, but their main feature is low in calories and sugar. Because mushrooms contain 80 to 90 percent water. This mushroom is very helpful for those who want to lose weight and who have a sugar problem. This mushroom is rich in protein, vitamin B12.
- Its consumption strengthens the bones of the body. Because it helps the body absorb calcium and is also call meat by vegetarians.
- Button mushrooms are also known to improve gut bacteria. It increases cancer-fighting properties in the body. Mushrooms are a vegetarian source of vitamin D2 for vegetarians. To connect tissues in the body, to produce energy, antioxidants. The body needs to consume mushrooms as mushrooms contain selenium and copper.
- Selenium and copper help the body perform all these processes. It’s really a good option for vegetarians. It is indeed a good option for vegetarians who want to eat healthy and full of nutrition.
- Mushrooms are more beneficial to eat in summer because of their cool nature. It is also able to help the body convert food into energy due to vitamin B6 and niacin. Vitamin B6 is responsible for more than 100 chemical reactions in the human body.
- Mushrooms have the power to strengthen the immune system of the human body, control blood cholesterol, cure heart health, high in fiber, zinc, low fat, sodium free.
There are numerous Benefits Of Mushrooms. The best part is that anyone can enjoy eating mushrooms. Elderly, Children, Diabetic patients, BP patients, who want to lose weight, and those who want to eat something that is nutritious.